
Automated Celebrations

Automate employee celebrations

Enhance every meaningful employee moment with a personalized automated celebration to increase sense of belonging and ensure your people feel valued.

A simple and scalable process with priceless results.

Automate employee celebrations!

Enhance every meaningful employee moment with a personalized automated celebration to increase sense of belonging and ensure your people feel valued.

A simple and scalable process with priceless results.

All the joy, none of the hassle!

Celebrating your employees to ensure they feel valued is a great way to boost engagement, but it’s also a challenge! Our ‘moments’ feature is designed to streamline employee celebrations, making them personalized, meaningful, and automated. 

Employee recognition - celebrating employee birthdays

Employee birthdays

Automatically celebrate every employee birthday:

  • Set up birthday campaigns to automatically send a custom greeting and optional gift from the company to employees on their birthdays
  • Invite teammates to add their greetings to a joint greeting page
  • Add a birthday activity to the employee’s greeting (e.g. a challenge inviting the employee to post a picture from one of their childhood birthdays.)
  • Customize & budget your campaigns according to employee segments

Work anniversaries

Automate, customize, & budget work anniversary celebrations:

  • Set up work anniversary campaigns to automatically send a personalized greeting and optional gift from the company to employees on their work anniversaries
  • Invite teammates to add their greetings to a joint greeting page
  • Add a work anniversary activity to the greeting (e.g. a challenge inviting the employee to post a picture or memory from their first week at your company)
  • Customize & budget your campaigns according to employee segments

Onboarding milestones

Ensure your newest employees feel valued, heard & cared for:

  • Automatically congratulate employees upon completing important milestones along their onboarding journey
  • Monitor the onboarding process, collect feedback, & identify problems by adding surveys (e.g. 3-month check up survey)
  • Share feedback with managers
  • Customize your onboarding campaigns according to employee segments

A new way to celebrate special employee moments

Use the Eloops admin dashboard to automate long-term campaigns where every greeting & gift is equitable and personalized or create one-off greeting & gift campaigns.
Complete these 5 simple steps, sit back and watch some magic happen!

celebrate anything!

Feeling valued by our employer, managers, and teammates makes us happier & more productive at work while feeling unappreciated makes us more likely to quit.

Show your employees you value them by celebrating and enhancing their special moments.

  • Select an occasion that occurs on different dates for different employees – such as work anniversaries, promotions, spot bonuses, and onboarding milestones. 
  • Alternatively, select a special day or holiday that is observed by segments or your entire workforce. 

the options are endless!

Your employees are diverse, so when it comes to gifting flexibility and choice are key! With our automated celebrations, you can give your employees the gift of choice by giving them:  

  • gift cards redeemable at a wide range of popular vendors. 
  • a set number of company coins, which they can redeem for something they like in your Eloops reward store.  

it's your company & culture!

Your company has its own tone & vibe, so, like everything in Eloops, you can customize your greeting to make it suit your organization & people:

  • Easily create your own design theme or customize one of our beautiful pre-made themes with your own colors & text. 
  • Add a greeting from a company leader to be included in each employee’s personalized ‘celebration.’

get the team involved

Build connection and spread good vibes by creating a virtual version of the group card that’s secretly passed around the office before employee birthdays:  

  • Each teammate will be invited to add their greeting the day before. 
  • Once the teammate clicks the link in the invitation, they will be able to write a message and choose a gif or upload media from their own device.  

make it meaningful & fun!

Enhance the celebration with a relevant virtual activity. You can select from our vast collection of themed challenges, quizzes, and surveys, for example: 

  • A birthday challenge inviting employees to share a photo of themselves blowing out birthday candles as a child
  • A work anniversary survey focusing on what’s fun about work
  • Holiday-themed challenges and quizzes such as our Best Christmas Tree Challenge or ‘How you doin’?’ – a quiz about Thanksgiving episodes of Friends

Automate your employee celebrations

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