Employee Engagement Platform
Boost meaningful interactions with your workforce
A single employee engagement platform to engage, recognize, and communicate with all your employees.
Boost meaningful interactions with your workforce
A single employee engagement platform to engage, recognize, and communicate with all your employees.
An employee engagement platform to engage 100% of your employees
Discover the employee engagment platform that makes it easy for companies to communicate with 100% of their workforce and strengthen each employee's emotional connection to the organization.
save time
Pre-made content
Choose from a vast and always-expanding selection of pre-made templates to suit all your communication needs. You can also easily create your own items.
Incentivize interaction
Virtual coins & gamification
Create a branded company coin. Allow your employees to win and accumulate coins by engaging with your communications.
reward & Recognize
Reward Store & P2P
Spread recognition across your organization using our Peer-To-Peer Recognition feature. Allow employees to redeem their coins for a wide range of gifts: popular gift cards, company swag and cashless 'experience' items.
Maximize open rates
One-click multichannel delivery
Send your communication via email, SMS, push notification or the instant messaging channel your employees are using. All from one place.
measure engagement
Detailed reports & insights
Measure the performance of each communication. Get the full picture with our activity graph. Track your KPIs: opens, clicks, views, shares and completions.
What our customers are saying
Eloops' employee engagement solution is helping these companies reach their business goals
Get all your employees
in the loop
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